The final responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of a course syllabus in each class, for meeting all program/degree requirements, and for complying with University regulations and procedures rests with the student. Students should consult with their academic advisor when selecting courses or making adjustments in their course schedule.


Students must meet the stated requirements for attendance or participation expected with the class delivery format. If class participation policies are not followed, the student may receive a grade reduction in accordance with the instructor’s policy.

Communication Standards

The University expects students enrolled in a graduate program to demonstrate oral and written communication proficiency commensurate with acceptable standards of good English usage.

Legal Penalty for Tampering with Education Records

No person shall knowingly tamper with records (files, documents, etc.) held at Mount St. Joseph University, or tamper with computer software or data, or knowingly gain unauthorized access to any University computer systems for any reason. Violations may result in criminal and civil penalties.  See Ohio Revised Code 2913.04 and 2913.42.  Additionally, violations by students and employees of the University will be subject to discipline under the Student Code of Conduct or Employee Handbook, respectively, which could result in sanctions up to and including dismissal from the University or termination of employment, as applicable.