Program Requirements

Hours: 50

Major Courses - 44 hours

PSY 103 Introduction to Psychology (3) CEP
PSY 103H HON:Intro Psychology (3) CEP

PSY 204 Lifespan Development (3)
PSY 205 Child Development (3)

PSY 208 Social Psychology (3)
PSY 310 Cognition & Memory (3)
PSY 340 Abnormal Psychology (3)
PSY 360 Biological Psychology (4)
PSY 375 Research I (3)
PSY 376 Research II (3)
PSY 400 Senior Thesis (3)
Choose at least five additional PSY courses (minimum of 15 credit hours), excluding PSY 110, 396, and 397; may include up to 3 hours of PSY 395A, 398, or PSY 399

Cognate Courses- 7 hours

MTH 174 Statistics I (3) CMA
BIO 131/131A Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology (4) CN
BIO 197/197A Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Sciences I (4) CN

Recommended Courses:

ECO 201 Economic Issues (3)
PHI 200 Perspectives on Human Nature (3) CP
SOC 202 Race, Class, Gender (3)

Residency requirement -- A minimum of 15 credit hours in psychology must be completed at Mount St. Joseph University prior to the awarding of a psychology degree.

Child Life Specialist Concentration (optional)

Required Courses in addition to above Psychology major courses: 14 hours

CHL 230 Child Life (3)
CHL 240 Play Therapy (3)
SWK 322 Human Development I (3)
SWK 323 Human Development II (3)
BIO 130 Medical Terminology (2)

Program Outcomes

Students who successfully complete the psychology major will be able to:

  • demonstrate undergraduate level knowledge of major terms, concepts and theories relevant to disciplines.
  • assess claims and make judgments on the basis of well-supported reasons.
  • design and conduct empirical research and write scientific research reports at an undergraduate level.