In order to remain in one of the Department's majors, a student must earn a grade of "C" or higher in all major and cognate courses. Students earning a D or F in any major or cognate course (lecture and lab count as one course) will be subject to the following action(s):
  • Student will receive a warning letter from the department chairperson after the first D or F.
  • Student will be placed on probation in the department after the second D or F.
  • Student will be dismissed from the major after the third D or F.
A student may appeal in writing the dismissal from the major to the chairperson. In extenuating circumstances, the chairperson may reinstate the student to the major.

Program Requirements

Hours: 20

Minor Requirements – 4 hours in one of the following :

BIO 101 Introduction to Biology (4) CN
BIO 111 Principles of Biology I (4) CN

Expanded Knowledge in Biology – 16 additional hours are required

Two of these must be 300-level Biology courses; co-op courses are excluded from these 16 hours
NOTE: Many 200 and 300 level biology courses have chemistry prerequisites.

Residency requirement: 6 hours
Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in those 6 hours