In order to remain in one of the Department's majors, a student must earn a grade of "C" or higher in all major and cognate courses. Students earning a D or F in any major or cognate course (lecture and lab count as one course) will be subject to the following action(s):
  • Student will receive a warning letter from the department chairperson after the first D or F.
  • Student will be placed on probation in the department after the second D or F.
  • Student will be dismissed from the major after the third D or F.
A student may appeal in writing the dismissal from the major to the chairperson. In extenuating circumstances, the chairperson may reinstate the student to the major.

Program Requirements

Hours: 21

Core Science - 4 hours (choose one course with lab)

BIO 101 Introduction to Biology (4) CN
BIO 111 Principles of Biology I (4) CN
BIO 111A Principles of Biology I (LAB) (0) CN
BIO 131 Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology (4) CN
BIO 131A Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology (LAB) (0) CN
BIO 197 Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Sciences I (4) CN
BIO 197A Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Sciences I (LAB) (0) CN
CHE 104 General, Organic and Biochemistry (3) CN
CHE 104A General & Organic Chemistry LAB (1) CN
CHE 105 Chem for Everyday Living (4) CN
PHY 105 Physical Science L/L (4) CN

Required Courses – 11 hours

BIO 264 Biological Forensics (4)
CRM 103 Foundations of Criminal Justice (3) LAS
PHY 264 Physical/Chemical Forensics (4)

Behavioral Science Electives – 6 hours (choose 2 courses)

CRM 208 Serial Murder (3) LAS
CRM 210 Drugs and Crime (3) LAS
CRM 217 Cops, Bobbies & Thief-Takers (3) LAS
CRM 218 Victimology (3) LAS
CRM 220 Courts in America (3) LAS
CRM 225 Sex Crimes (3) LAS
CRM 235 Crimes of Technology (3) LAS
CRM 306 White Collar Crime (3)
PSY 212 Domestic Violence (3) 
PSY 310 Cognition & Memory (3)
PSY 340 Abnormal Psychology (3)
CRM 292 Forensic Psychology (3) LAS


PSY 292 Forensic Psychology (3) LAS

Residency requirement: 6 hours
Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in those 6 hours