Program Requirements

In order to remain in the chemistry (BS) major, biochemistry (BS) major, minor in chemistry, and minor is sustainability studies, a student must earn a grade of "C" or higher in all major and cognate courses. Students earning a D, F, or W in any major or cognate course will be subject to the following action(s):

  • Student will receive a warning letter from the department chairperson after the first D, F, or W.
  • Student will be placed on probation after the second D, F, or W.
  • Student will be dismissed from the major after the third D, F, or W.

A student may appeal in writing the dismissal from the major to the chairperson. In extenuating circumstances, the chairperson may reinstate the student to the major.

Hours: 17-20 

Core Courses - 7 hours

GEO 140 Environmental Science (4) CN
BIO 140 Environmental Science (4) CN

ETH:PHI 269 Environmental Ethics: A Call to Conscience in a Time of Climate Change (3) CE

Elective Courses - 9-12 hours

Choose three courses from one or more of the three key areas listed below. Note that some of these courses have prerequisites.

Environmental Dimensions of Sustainability

ART 336 Sculpture Wkshp:Sustainable Mixed Media (3) CAM
BIO 315 Ecology (4) 
BIO 316/316A  Aquatic Biology and Lab (4)
BIO 330/330A Evolution and Lab (4)
BIO 335/335A  Entomology and Lab (4)

Economic dimensions of sustainability

ECO 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ECO 450 International Economics and Finance (3)
MGL 375 Nonprofit Management (3)

Social dimensions of sustainability

HIS 236 From Cortez to Costco Impact of European Contact with the Americas on the Food We Eat (3) CH
HON 261 United Nations Sustainability Development Goals: Global & Local (3) (EXP) 
JCG 267 Healing and Loving Creation: An Ecological Spirituality for Our Time (3) JCG
JCG 390 Appalachian Culture & Spirit (3) JCG/EXP
SOC 202 Race, Class, Gender (3)

Service Learning - 1 hour

Each student must complete one service learning credit with an organization appropriate for sustainability studies. The service learning credit is subject to the program coordinator’s approval.

Residency requirement: 6 hours
Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in those 6 hours