Program Requirements

Hours: 70 - 73

Major Courses -  33-36 hours

GRD 110 Digital Literacy (3)
GRD 207 Production Design (2)
GRD 250 Typography I (3)
GRD 255 Graphic Form (3)
GRD 270 Web & Experience Design UIUX (3)
GRD 350 Hand to Pixel (3)
GRD 353 Typography II (3)
GRD 355 Information Graphics (3)
GRD 356 Brand Identity Design (3)
GRD 400 Senior Design Seminar (1)
GRD 455 Professional Portfolio (3)
GRD 456 Senior Degree Project (3)

GRD 396 Co-Op:Parallel (PT) (1-3) EXP
CED 394 Cooperative Education (0) EXP

Cognate Courses – 37 hours

ART 101 Drawing I (3) CAM
ART 102 Drawing II (3) CAM
ART 103 2D Design (3) CAM
ART 106 3D Design (3) CAM
ART 121 World Art History (3) CAM
ART 132 Artworld (3)
ART 230 History of Design:Hand Made to Apple (3) CAM
ART 280 Time Studio (3)
ART 281 Digital Photography I (3) CAM

ART 301 Figure Drawing (3)
ART 362 Printmaking Workshop:Methods Survey (3) CAM
an Advisor Approved Course

PHI 285 Philosophy of Art (3) CP
CED 220 Foundations of Professionalism (1)

Choose one Art History elective - 3 hours

Minimum grade of C in all major/cognate courses.

Program Outcomes

Students who successfully complete the graphic design major will be able to:

  • Engage in the creative problem solving process that is so vital in our industry, using typography, design principles, color theory, brand identity, symbol systems and information graphics.
  • Identify the formal, technical and expressive aspects in visual communication.
  • Understand design principles for web, print and motion.