Program Requirements

Hours: 18

Minor Required Course - 3 hours

ENG 101 Written Word (3) C

Minor electives - 15 hours

Choose from the following to total 15 hours:

COM 295 Writing for New Media Environments (3) LAS
COM 380 Newswriting I (3) LAS
ENG 290 The Story of Your Life: Writing Diaries, Memoirs & Autobiographies (3) LAS
ENG 300 Advanced Composition (3)
ENG 370 Creative Writing: Poetry (3) LAS
ENG 371 Sem Creative Writing:Poetry (3) LAS
ENG 372 Creative Writing: Fiction (3) LAS
ENG 373 Sem Creative Writing:Fiction (3) LAS
ENG 374 Screenwriting Workshop (3) LAS
ENG 388 Feature Writing (3) LAS
LIB 100 Writer's Block (1) 
Choose other upper level writing courses as available and appropriate.

Students are also expected to contribute to campus publications, for example, Dateline and Lions-on-Line.

Minimum grade of "C" in all courses in the minor.
Residency requirement: 6 hours