Program Requirements

Hours: 60-61

Business Core - 42-43 Hours

ACC 213 Principles of Accounting I - Financial (3)
ACC 214 Principles of Accounting II - Managerial (3)
BUS 210 Business Law I (3)
BUS 240 Research Methods for Business Decision Making (3)
BUS 352 Business Communications I (3)
BUS 498 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation (3)
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECO 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3) CEP
FIN 300 Corporate Finance (3)

ETH:PHI 397 Ethical Conduct of Business (3) CE
ETH:REL 251 Business Ethics (3) CE

MGL 300 Management/Org Behavior (3)
MKT 300 Principles of Marketing (3)
MTH 174 Statistics I (3) CMA

MTH 180 Math for Business (3) CMA
MTH 193 Calculus I (4) CMA

Major Courses - 18 hours

MKT 365 Consumer Behavior (3) LAS
MKT 371 International Marketing (3)
MKT 415 Marketing Research (3)
MKT 420 Marketing Management (3)
Choose two additional MKT courses - (6 hours)

Residency requirement: 12 credits of upper division major courses (300 and 400 level courses that are not part of the Business Core)

Program Outcomes

Graduates with a major in marketing will:

  • Analyze and synthesize the interplay among the four elements of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and place) to identify challenges and craft strategic marketing solutions.
  • Critically analyze and articulate the strategic role of marketing within an organization, including its contributions to overall business strategy and objectives.
  • Evaluate and segment markets by analyzing needs, wants, and interests using advanced analytical tools and techniques