The Bachelor of Science degree in Sport Management affords students the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive business education with a specialization in sport management. We create an inclusive and engaging learning environment which prepares students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in a career in the sport industry. Students gain valuable, real-world experience working, interning, and volunteering in a variety of sport settings, including youth, community, collegiate, professional, nonprofit, and private business. Students who graduate with a degree in sport management are also prepared to enroll in the 4+1 MBA program or complete graduate studies in sport management, law, education, or other fields of study.

Program Requirements

Hours: 75-76

Business Core - 42-43 Hours

ACC 213 Principles of Accounting I - Financial (3)
ACC 214 Principles of Accounting II - Managerial (3)
BUS 210 Business Law I (3)
BUS 240 Research Methods for Business Decision Making (3)
BUS 352 Business Communications I (3)
BUS 498 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation (3)
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECO 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3) CEP
FIN 300 Corporate Finance (3)

ETH:PHI 397 Ethical Conduct of Business (3) CE
ETH:REL 251 Business Ethics (3) CE

MGL 300 Management/Org Behavior (3)
MKT 300 Principles of Marketing (3)
MTH 174 Statistics I (3) CMA

MTH 180 Math for Business (3) CMA
MTH 193 Calculus I (4) CMA

Major Requirements - 33 hours

SPM 150 Introduction to Sport Management (3)
SPM 185 Historical & Socio-Cultural Dimensions in Sport (3)
SPM 240 Governance & Policy in Sport (3)
SPM 330 Sport Marketing,Promotion and Sales (3)
SPM 380 Sport Law (3)
SPM 395 Sport Finance & Development (3)
SPM 396 Sport Management Internship (3) EXP
SPM 440 Current Issues Business of Sport (3)

Choose three of the following - (9 hours)

SPM 225 Principles of Athletic Administration (3)
SPM 355 New Media & Public Relations (3)
SPM 375 Sport Facilities and Event Management (3)
SPM 386 International Sport Management (3)
SPM 390 Contemporary Sport Leadership (3)

SPM 394 Sport Management Internship (0) may be substituted for SPM 396 Sport Management Internship (3) during the S4 academic term only.  If this option is selected, students must complete an additional SPM elective (3) to satisfy SPM degree requirements.

Residency requirement: 12 credits of upper division major courses (300 and 400 level courses that are not part of the Business Core)

Program Outcomes

Graduates with a major in sport management will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental concepts, functions, and governance related to the sport industry.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the sport industry through a sociological lens.
  • Integrate concepts and knowledge of the sport and business disciplines to make decisions about complex sport management problems and dilemmas.
  • Perform day-to-day activities and procedures required to fulfill the goals and objectives of a sport organization.