Program Requirements

Major in Liberal Arts is required for those seeking licensure in Social Studies or English Language Arts

Hours: 53 plus Choose License Content Area (see below)*

Prerequisites for Licensure (16 hours)

COM 100 Spoken Word (3) C
EDU 190 Introduction to the Educational Profession (1)
ENG 101 Written Word (3) C
PSY 103 Introduction to Psychology (3) CEP
SOC 103 Our Social World (3) CS
Choose a discipline specific mathematics class in the core curriculum (3) MA

Major Courses (19 hours)

AYA 333 Adolescent/Young Adult Practicum (1) EXP
AYA 334 Adolescent/Young Adult Practicum II (2) EXP
AYA 345 Intro to Secondary Education (3)
AYA 444 AYA Student Teaching (10) EXP

Choose one Methods Course, according to content:
EDU 384 Methods of Teach Social Studies (3)
EDU 386 Methods of Teach Language Arts (3)

Cognate Courses - 18 hours

EDU 207 Educational Psychology (3)
EDU 217 Technology in the Instructional Process (2)
EDU 356 Classroom Management (3)
RDG 311 Content Area Reading (3)
SED 215 Human Exceptionalities (3)
SED 215S Service Learning:Human Exceptionalities (1) EXP
SED 340 Teaching in an Inclusive Setting (3)

*License Content Areas

AYA Licensure in Integrated Language Arts - 33 hours

WRITING - 6 hours

ENG 300 Advanced Composition (3) LAS

Choose one:

ENG 370 Creative Writing: Poetry (3) LAS
ENG 372 Creative Writing: Fiction (3) LAS
COM 388 Feature Writing (3) LAS

MEDIA - 3 hours

COM 220 Visual Communication (3)
COM 250 Digital Video Production (3)
COM 340 Intercultural & World Comm (3) LAS
COM 359 American Film Authors (3) LAS


ENG 360 The Play's the Thing: Shakespeare's Major Works (3) CL

NINETEENTH CENTURY -  3  hours (choose 1)

ENG 160 Apes, Angels & Victorians: A Survey of the Victorian Period (3) CL
ENG 162 Murder Most Foul:Detectives in 19th Cent British Literature (3) CL

ENG 260 19th-Century American Thought And Prose (3) CL/CH
HIS 260 19th Century American Thought And Prose (3) CL/CH

ENG 262 I Was Crazy Once:Impaired Mind in Lit (3) CL

MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY - 6 hours (choose 2)

(ENG 173 recommended)

ENG 140 Survey of Women Writers (3) CL
ENG 171 Sports in Literature (3) CL
ENG 173 20 Voices, 20 Countries: World Poetry (3) CL
ENG 174 Meet Me at the Theatre: Mod & Contemporary American Drama (3) CL
ENG 175 Modern Short Fiction (3) CL
ENG 176 Modern Novel (3) CL
ENG 206 State of the Unions:20th Century British and American Drama (3) CL
ENG 223 Cincinnati Authors (3) CL
ENG 226 Multicultural Women Writers (3)
ENG 275 A History of Violence: Survey of 20th-Cent British Literature (3) CL
ENG 276 The 20th-Century Graphic Novel (3) CL
ENG 277 Dollars & Sense: Materialism in 20th-Century American Fiction (3) CL
ENG 278 The End of the World as We Know It: Fiction After 9/11 (3) CL
ENG 279 Killing the Angel in the House: 20th-Cent Brit Women Novelists (3) CL
ENG 376 Novels Without Borders (3) CL

Electives - 12 hours

Choose four courses from any literature course listed above or these special topic courses or any LIB 300 level course (maximum 3 courses towards the required four, excluding LIB 396).  At least one American Literature is required.

ENG 245 African-American Writers (3) CL
ENG 280 In Their Own Voices: American Autobiography,Letters,Memoirs (3) CL
ENG 350 Topics in Literature (1-3)

AYA Licensure in Integrated Social Studies - 42 hours

Nine hours in US History

HIS 109 U.S. History to 1877 (3) CH
HIS 110 U.S. History Since 1877 (3) CH
Choose one 200-300 level American History course (3) or LIB XXX (History content only)

Six hours in Western History

Select two courses from the following or equivalents

HIS 107 European Civilization to 1500 (3) CH
HIS 108 European Civilization Since 1500 (3) CH
HIS 200-300 level European History courses (3) or LIB XXX (History content only)

Six hours in Non-Western History

HIS 105 World Civilization to 1500 (3) CH
HIS 106 World Civilization Since 1500 (3) CH

Six hours in Political Science

PSC 201 American National Government (3)
PHI 220 Political Philosophy (3) CP

Fifteen hours in other Social Science Courses

ECO 201 Economic Issues (3)
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)

GEG 202 World Regional Geography (3)
PSY 103 Introduction to Psychology (3) CEP
SOC 103 Our Social World (3) CS
SOC 202 Race, Class, Gender (3)

Program Outcomes

Teacher Competencies

The School of Education has developed the following five teacher competencies describing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that each teacher candidate will have upon completion of any licensure program

  1. Content knowledge - The candidate articulates accurate subject matter and applies that knowledge in planning and presenting lessons aligned with content standards.
  2. Learner characteristics - The candidate incorporates knowledge of how students learn and how diverse experiences affect learning when planning and presenting lessons aligned with content standards.
  3. Instructional strategies - The candidate applies a variety of scientifically-based, data-driven instructional strategies based on learning goals, assesses student's progress toward these goals, and differentiates instruction based on students' needs and assessment results.
  4. Learning environment - The candidate creates and manages a learning environment that encourages active, engaged learning and respect for others.
  5. Professional responsibilities - The candidate engage in reflective practice, promotes collaboration among peers, families, and communities, and takes on opportunities for professional development.